133 athletes, so far, pass Task Force's criteria
One hundred and 33 athletes that will be competing in 26 sports have so far met the requirements set by the joint Philippine Olympic Committee (POC)-Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) Asian Games Task Force. PSC Chairman Ricardo Garcia, however, said the number could swell to as much as 360 after the final list of athletes, coaches, national sports association and POC officials, and other dignitaries are added when the Task Force submits the country’s accreditation on Wednesday to the Incheon Asian Games Task Force (IAGOC). “So far 133 athletes met the Task Force’s criteria. Already included are the team sports of rugby, men’s basketball, and softball,” said Garcia, who added that they will submit the entry by number to IAGOC on May 31. Garcia said NSAs can still make changes on their respective lineups until May 31. The Task Force has set a self-imposed deadline on August 1 for the entry by names in time for IAGOC’s August 15 deadline. “For example, golf submitted 24 ...